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mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdTrafficShaping OBJECT-TYPE
sameAsCa(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies whether this connection uses traffic shaping
when transmitting traffic to the ATM interface.

When sameAsCa is selected, traffic shaping for this connection is
based on the trafficShaping attribute of the connection's service
category component under the AtmIf CA. If the service category has
traffic shaping enabled, then traffic shaping is enabled for the
connection. Note that enabling traffic shaping may have no effect
under certain cases. These cases are listed in the description of the
trafficShaping operational attribute, which is under the Vcc Tm and
Vpc Tm components.

When disabled is selected, traffic shaping for this connection is
DEFVAL { disabled }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdTrafficDescType(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdQosClass(21) Next sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdUnshapedTransmitQueueing(60) Last sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdUsageParameterControl(70) Separation line
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