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mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdWeight OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..4095 | 65535)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies an override for the weight of this unshaped
connection. This attribute is ignored for shaped connections, for
ABR connections, for connections on a CQC-based ATM FP and
basic VPTs.

When the value is set to sameAsCa, the weight is determined by the
weight policy attribute under the CA service category component
for all but standard VPT VCCs. For standard VPT VCCs, the
weight is determined by the VCC's service category, when the value
is set to sameAsCa.

When this attribute is set to a value from 1 to 4095, that value is
used for the weight policy of this connection relative to other
connections. For all but standard VPT VCCs, weight policy
determines the proportion of transit cell opportunities which are
allocated to this connection, compared to other connections in the
same service category. For standard VPT VCCs, weight policy
determines the proportion of transmit cell opportunities which are
allocated to this connection, compared to other connections
associated with the VPT.

When the value is set to upToQueueLimit, the weight policy is
limited only by the txQueueLimit.
0 = upToQueueLimit
65535 = sameAsCa
DEFVAL { 65535 }


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Parent OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdTrafficDescType(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdAtmServiceCategory(3) Next sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdQosClass(21) Last sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVcdUsageParameterControl(70) Separation line
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