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mscAtmIfVptUniSigAddressConversion OBJECT-TYPE
nsap(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the address conversion on the outgoing
signalling PDUs. The options are none, nativeE164, or nsap. The
none option is the default and if this option is chosen then nothing
is done to the address information element (IE) in the outgoing
signalling message. If nativeE164 option is chosen, then only
NSAP encapsulated E.164 addresses with zeros in the ESI are
converted to native E.164 format in the outgoing signalling
message. If the NSAP address is not encapsulated E.164 or the ESI
field is not zeros and the nativeE164 option is chosen, then the call
is cleared. If the nsap option is chosen, then native E.164 addresses
are converted to NSAP E.164 with zeros in the ESI field; otherwise
the address is in NSAP format and is not changed."
DEFVAL { none }


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVci(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigVci(1) Next sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigOperatingMode(3) Last sibling OID: mscAtmIfVptUniSigOperatingMode(3) Separation line
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