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mscAtmIfVpcNrpTxAal5PartialPacketDiscard OBJECT-TYPE
enabled(1) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"This attribute is obsolete in P4.2 and has been migrated under Vcd
(Vpd) component.

This attribute specifies whether the AAL5 Partial Packet Discard
(PPD) feature has been enabled or disabled on the Nrp in the
transmit direction. This feature allows the NRP to discard the
remainder of a cell-forwarded AAL5 frame if a cell of this frame
has been discarded due to congestion. This increases the 'goodput'
of the link, since cells which are only going to be discarded by the
AAL5 reassembly are not transmitted.

When this attribute is set to enabled, the PPD feature is applied in
the transmit direction. It should only be enabled for connections
whose end points are performing AAL5 segmentation and
reassembly. When this attribute is set to disabled, the PPD feature is
not applied to traffic for this connection in the transmit direction.
Note that specifying enabled for a non-AAL5 connection will cause
all traffic to be discarded once congestion is encountered."
DEFVAL { disabled }


➵ Deprecated OID
➵ MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: mscAtmIfVpcNrpProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAtmIfVpcNrpNextHop(10) Previous sibling OID: mscAtmIfVpcNrpOamSegmentBoundary(30) Next sibling OID: mscAtmIfVpcNrpRxAal5PartialPacketDiscard(32) Last sibling OID: mscAtmIfVpcNrpOverrideHoldingPriority(34) Separation line
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