mscAtmIfVpcLastMinimumCtd OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..2147483647)
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the minimum calculated cell transfer delay
value for this connection from the previous TODA (time of day
accounting) interval if TODA is enabled; or for the previous 12 hour
interval if TODA is disabled. Cell transfer delay is calculated as half
of the measured segment round trip delay of a loopback cell.
The value is noMeasurement when the ctdCalculation attribute of
the AtmIf component is off.
The value is noMeasurement when the accountCollection attribute
of the AtmIf Uni or AtmIf Iisp component has a non-empty reason.
The value is noMeasurement when the segSwitchSideLoopback
attribute value is off for the connection.
The value is noMeasurement when the switch-side loopback is not
The value is noMeasurement when the switch-side loopback status
cannot be determined.
0 = noMeasurement