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mscAppnPortTotLinkActLim OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99)
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This is the total link activation limit. This is the maximum number
of active adjacent link stations the port will support. This value
limits the number of adjacent link stations that can be concurrently
connected to the local node through this port. The limit includes
adjacent link stations connected by both inbound and outbound link
activations. The distinction of inbound or outbound for link
activations is used to indicate which node initiated the connection.
For inbound link activations, the adjacent link station initiates the
connection with the local link station. For outbound link activations,
the local node initiates the connection with the adjacent link station.

totLinkActLim must be greater than either inbLinkActLim or
outLinkActLim, but it should not greater than the sum of
inbLinkActLim and outLinkActLim."
DEFVAL { 99 }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: mscAppnPortConfigEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAppnPortType(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAppnPortMaxTxBtuSize(3) Next sibling OID: mscAppnPortInbLinkActLim(5) Last sibling OID: mscAppnPortTargetPacingCount(12) Separation line
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