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mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefBackupDlusName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AsciiString (SIZE (0..17))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the fully qualified control point (FQCP)
name of the backup DLUS for this link station. This attribute is
ignored if the adjacent device does not request DLUR services.

This attribute overrides the primaryDefDlusName and
secondaryDefDlusName specified in the DLUR component.
If this attribute is empty and the dlusName attribute is empty, the
primaryDefDlusName (specified in the DLUR component), or
secondaryDefDlusName (specified in the DLUR component) will be
used. If this attribute is specified, the dlusName attribute must also
contain a non-empty string.

The first portion of this name, up to the period, is the network
identifier for the network to which the DLUS node belongs. An
APPN network is a portion of a virtual private network which has a
separately administered name space. This network identifier is the
implicit qualifier of all resources which do not have an explicit
network identifier."
DEFVAL { ''H } --."


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefDspuService(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefDlusName(6) Next sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefHprSupported(8) Last sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefLsRole(12) Separation line
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