OID Repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item562 Action itemmsCarrier(36) Action itemmscPassport(2) Action itemmscComponents(1) Action itemmscAppn(110) Action itemmscAppnDlci(3) Action itemmscAppnDlciBnnLsDef(4) Action itemmscAppnDlciBnnLsDefProvTable(2) Action itemmscAppnDlciBnnLsDefProvEntry(1)


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OID description

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OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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(OID-IRI notation)


mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefAdjacentCpType OBJECT-TYPE
dlurNoXID(9) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the adjacent control point (CP) type:

networkNode - Specifies that the adjacent device is an APPN
network node.

endNode - Specifies that the adjacent device is an APPN end node.

appnNode - Specifies that the adjacent device is an APPN node or
an up-level LEN node, and the node type will be dynamically
determined during XID exchange.

backLevelLenNode - Specifies that the adjacent device is a back-
level LEN node.

hostXID3 - Specifies that the adjacent device is a host and that this
APPN node should respond to a polling XID from the node with a
format 3 XID.

hostXID0 - Specifies that the adjacent device is a host and that this
APPN node should respond to a polling XID from the node with a
format 0 XID.

dlurXID - Specifies that the adjacent device is a downstream PU
requiring DLUR services and XID exchange in link activation

dlurNoXID - Specifies that the adjacent device is a downstream PU
requiring DLUR services and no XID exchange in link activation"
DEFVAL { appnNode }


MIB object for network management

See classes of OIDs
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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefDspuService(1) Previous sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefAdjacentCpName(2) Next sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefTgNum(5) Last sibling OID: mscAppnDlciBnnLsDefLsRole(12) Separation line
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