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frNniDlciSpRaSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the sensitivity of the rate adaptation system.
A higher number indicates a higher sensitivity and therefore a
quicker reaction time to network conditions. A quicker reaction
time allows the network to discard frames at the access and protect
network resources, but can lead to false alarms and a greater
fluctuation of the allowed rate. A higher setting therefore tends to
favour the protection of the network over the allowed throughput of
the user.

A lower number indicates a lower sensitivity and therefore a slower
reaction to network conditions. A slower reaction time results in a
greater amount of user traffic allowed into the network, but can lead
to a waste of network bandwidth since the traffic may be discarded
at the congested resource. A lower setting therefore tends to favour
the allowed throughput of the user over the protection of the

This attribute is applicable for adapting EIR when rateAdaptation is
eirOnly or cirProportionate, or CIR when rateAdaptation is on.

This attribute is ignored if rateAdaptation is turned off."
DEFVAL { 7 }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: frNniDlciSpParmsEntry(1) First sibling OID: frNniDlciSpMaximumFrameSize(1) Previous sibling OID: frNniDlciSpAccounting(8) Next sibling OID: frNniDlciSpUpdateBCI(10) Last sibling OID: frNniDlciSpUpdateBCI(10) Separation line
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