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frNniDlciSpRateAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE
cirProportionate(3) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies whether rate adaptation is in effect for this
user Data Link Connection on this Frame Relay interface. Rate
adaptation is a feature that, in periods of congestion, adapts the rate
at which the user is allowed to send data into the network to that
which the network is able to handle at that time. This pro-active
measure of handling congestion optimizes network resources by
causing the ingress to discard frames that would otherwise be
discarded in the network.

If this attribute is set to on, then, at the onset of congestion, the
excess information rate (EIR) is reduced to a very low rate. If
congestion persists, then the allowed CIR is reduced geometrically
by 25% of the current value at that time. The minimum to which
CIR can be reduced is 1/16th (6.25%) of the provisioned value. As
congestion alleviates, CIR is increased linearly by 6.25% of the
provisioned value specified in committedInformationRate.

If set to eirOnly, then rate adaptation will only apply to the excess
information rate (EIR). At the onset of congestion, the allowed EIR
is reduced by 25% of its provisioned value. If congestion persists,
EIR is reduced geometrically by 25% of the current value at that
time. As congestion alleviates, EIR is gradually increased linearly
by 6.25% of the provisioned EIR.

If set to cirProportionate, then rate adaptation will also only apply
to the excess information rate (EIR). At the onset of congestion the
initial allowed EIR is set to a multiple of the provisioned CIR. If
congestion persists, the allowed EIR is reduced geometrically by
25% of the current value at that time. As congestion alleviates, EIR
is gradually increased linearly by 6.25% of the provisioned EIR.
Note that the allowed EIR may be set higher than the provisioned
EIR, since it is calculated initially using another parameter, the
provisioned CIR. If the allowed EIR at the moment is higher than
the provisioned EIR, then the provisioned EIR is used instead.

This attribute can only be set to on eirOnly or cirProportionate if
rateEnforcement is turned on."
DEFVAL { off }


MIB object for network management

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