OID Repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item562 Action itemmagellan(2) Action itempassport(4) Action itemcomponents(1) Action itemfrNni(70) Action itemfrNniDlci(5) Action itemfrNniDlciSp(4) Action itemfrNniDlciSpParmsTable(11) Action itemfrNniDlciSpParmsEntry(1)


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on(1) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies whether internal Backward Congestion
Indication (BCI) bits will report congestion external to the Passport
network, as communicated through incoming BECN bits.

If updateBCI is set to on, then BCI bits for incoming frames will be
set if the BECN on the frame is set. If updatBCI is set to off, then
incoming BECN bits will have no effect.

Setting updateBCI on for a DLCI means that the remote end of the
DLCI, which is specified by the remotedna and remotedlci attributes
of the dc component of the dlci, may perform Rate Adaptation
using the flow of incoming BECN bits, in addition to internal
Passport congestion management systems.

If the rateAdaptation attribute of the remote dlci is provisioned as
eirOnly, cirProportionate, or on, then congestion from another
network connected to a Passport network may trigger dynamic
congestion management. If the rateAdaptation attribute of the
remote dlci is provisioned to off, then the setting of updateBCI
attribute here will have no effect.."
DEFVAL { off }


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: frNniDlciSpParmsEntry(1) First sibling OID: frNniDlciSpMaximumFrameSize(1) Previous sibling OID: frNniDlciSpRaSensitivity(9) Separation line
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