atmIfVptVpdRxTdpTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"This attribute is migrated to the AtmTmProv group.
This attribute is a vector of four traffic parameters whose meanings
are defined by the rxTrafficDescType attribute. The values of peak
cell rate (PCR) and sustained cell rate (SCR) are expressed in
cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed in cells. The value
of CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR, SCR,
MBS and CDVT are used for usage parameter control (UPC).
When rxTrafficDescType is 1 or 2, all of the parameters must be set
to zero (unused).
When rxTrafficDescType is 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameter 1 must be non-zero.
Parameters 2 and 3 must be set to zero (unused).
When rxTrafficDescType is 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard. Parameters 1 and 2 must be
non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter 1
must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.
When rxTrafficDescType is 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging. Parameters 1 and 2 must be
non-zero. Parameter 3 must be set to zero (unused). Parameter 1
must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.
When rxTrafficDescType is a 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-
zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to Parameter 2.
When rxTrafficDescType is 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the
MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-
zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.
When rxTrafficDescType is 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 represents the
MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic. Parameter 1, 2 and 3 must be non-
zero. Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2.
When rxTrafficDescType is any value from 3 through 8, parameter
4 represents the CDVT. If this value is zero, the CDVT is taken
from the ConnectionAdministrator defaults for the particular
atmServiceCategory of this connection.
When rxTrafficDescriptorType is 3 through 8, there are certain
extreme combinations of rxTrafficDescParm which are outside the
capabilities of the UPC hardware. The check prov command detects
such cases and generates an error message. If this happens, adjust
the parameters until they fall within the supported limits.
To calculate the limits, use the following formulae:
I1 = 1 000 000 000 / PCR
L1 = CDVT * 1000
I2 = 1 000 000 000 / SCR
L2 = CDVT + (MBS - 1) * (I2 - I1)
I1 and I2 must be less than or equal to 335 523 840. I1 + L1 must
be less than or equal to 1 342 156 800. I2 + L2 must be less than or
equal to 1 342 156 800. Note that I2 and L2 only apply when the
rxTrafficDescriptorType is 6 through 8.
If the values of I1, L1, I2 or L2 are closer to the limits described
above, a further restriction applies. Specifically, if either:
I1 >
➵ Deprecated OID
➵ MIB object for network management
See classes of OIDs