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atmIfVptVpdTmTxTdpTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute is a vector of five traffic parameters whose meanings
are defined by the txTrafficDescType attribute.

The values of peak cell rate (PCR), sustained cell rate (SCR),
Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) and requested shaping rate are
expressed in cell/s. Maximum burst size (MBS) is expressed in
cells. CDVT is expressed in microseconds. The values of PCR,
SCR, MCR, MBS and CDVT are used for connection admission
control (CAC). The value of CDVT is only used for connections
where the atmServiceCategory is constantBitRate. For all other
values of atmServiceCategory, CDVT is ignored. The values of
PCR, SCR, MCR and requested shaping rate are used to determine
the actual shaping rate where traffic shaping is enabled.

When txTrafficDescType is 1 or 2, all of the parameters must be set
to zero.

When txTrafficDescType is 3, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; and
parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value
in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. This result is
used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be non-zero. Parameters 2 and 3
must be zero.

When txTrafficDescType is 4, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell discard; parameter 2
represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4
represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested
shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in
parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be
greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 must be
non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

When txTrafficDescType is 5, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 2
represents the PCR for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4
represents the CDVT; and parameter 5 represents the requested
shaping rate. A non-zero value in parameter 5 overrides any value in
parameter 1. This result is used as the PCR. Parameter 1 must be
greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameters 1 and 2 must be
non-zero. Parameter 3 must be zero.

When txTrafficDescType is 6, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 3 represents the MBS for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; and
parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value
in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. This result is
used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero.
Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameter
5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equal to parameter

When txTrafficDescType is 7, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 with cell discard; parameter 3 represents the MBS
for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT; and
parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero value
in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. This result is
used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero.
Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameter
5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equal to parameter

When txTrafficDescType is 8, parameter 1 represents the PCR for
CLP equal to 0 and 1 traffic; parameter 2 represents the SCR for
CLP equal to 0 traffic with cell tagging; parameter 3 represents the
MBS for CLP equal to 0 traffic; parameter 4 represents the CDVT;
and parameter 5 represents the requested shaping rate. A non-zero
value in parameter 5 overrides any value in parameter 1. This result
is used as the PCR. Parameters 1, 2 and 3 must be non-zero.
Parameter 1 must be greater than or equal to parameter 2. Parameter
5, must either be zero (unused) or greater than or equal to parameter

When txTrafficDescType is 9, parameter 1 represents the PCR;
parameter 2 represents the CDVT; parameter 3 represents the MCR;
parameter 4 and parameter 5 represent are not used and must be
zero. Parameter 1 must be non-zero and must be greater than or
equal to parameter 3. Parameter 3 may be optionally zero.

Whenever it is valid for PCR to be specified, parameter 5 may also
be used to specify a requested shaping rate. A non-zero value in
parameter 5 overrides the value in parameter 1 and is used as the
peak cell rate in calculations of CAC and shaping rate. When the
atmServiceCategory is availableBitRate (ABR), the shaping rate is
dynamically chosen, based on the ABR flow control mechanism, as
a value between the MCR and the PCR or the requested shaping
rate if applicable.

For txTrafficDescType 3, 4 and 5, the transmit traffic is shaped at
the next available shaping rate less than the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType 6, 7 and 8 if linear traffic shaping is selected,
the transmit traffic is shaped at the highest available rate which is
between PCR and SCR. However, if there is no available shaping
rate between PCR and SCR, traffic is shaped at the next rate above
the PCR.

For txTrafficDescType 6, 7 and 8 if inverse-UPC traffic shaping is
selected, the transmit traffic is shaped at a variable rate which
conforms to the PCR, SCR and MBS of the connection traffic
descriptor. Inverse-UPC traffic shaping is available only on ATM IP


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