OID Repository
OID Repository
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atmIfVpcNrpBandwidthElastic OBJECT-TYPE
yes(1) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute is only of importance for connections which are
carried on a link with a variable bandwidth. For example, the
bandwidth may be reduced in the event that one or more physical
links in the IMA group fail, such that the originally requested
bandwidth cannot be maintained. This attribute shows whether the
application running on this connection can continue to operate if the
bandwidth is reduced. If the bandwidth is reduced, the amount by
which it is reduced will be displayed in the bandwidthReduction

A value of yes, indicates that this connection is elastic, and the
bandwidth may be reduced but the connection will not be released.
Currently, this attribute should only be set to yes for situations
where this Nrp is functioning as a loopback on one side of an IMA
link. There are no other situations where this setting is valid.

A value of no indicates that the bandwidth for this connection will
not be reduced in the event of link bandwidth reduction. However,
this connection may be released based on its holdingPriority."
DEFVAL { no }


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: atmIfVpcNrpProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpNextHop(10) Previous sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpRxAal5PartialPacketDiscard(32) Next sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpOverrideHoldingPriority(34) Last sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpOverrideHoldingPriority(34) Separation line
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