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atmIfVpcNrpConnectionPointType OBJECT-TYPE
autoConfigure(4) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"This attribute specifies the connection point type desired for a Nrp
component. The actual connection point type value is visible in the
parent component's connectionPointType attribute.

The desired connection point type can be specified directly as a
segmentEndPoint or connectingPoint. If autoConfigure is
specified, the switch will select the connection point type based on
the type attribute of the associated AtmIf, choosing
segmentEndPoint for a UNI-type ATM interface and
connectingPoint for a PPI-type ATM interface.

It is obsoleted. The value is mapped into oamSegmentBoundary
attribute. segmentEndPoint is mapped into yes. connectingPoint is
mapped into no. autoConfigure is mapped into sameAsInterface."
DEFVAL { autoConfigure }


➵ Deprecated OID
➵ MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: atmIfVpcNrpProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpNextHop(10) Previous sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpNextHop(10) Next sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpOamSegmentBoundary(30) Last sibling OID: atmIfVpcNrpOverrideHoldingPriority(34) Separation line
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