atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrFarEndInitialCellRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16777215 | 16777219)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the Initial Cell Rate (ICR) of the far end
ABR source. The value specified should be the same as the ICR
parameter at the far end of this ABR connection.
The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connection
using the Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). A
larger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer. When
the delay between two consecutive forward Resource Management
(RM) cells received at this interface corresponds to a value greater
than the farEndAcrDecreaseTimeFactor attribute, the policer begins
to enforce the incoming traffic at the value of this attribute.
If this attribute is specified less than the MCR of the connection,
then the MCR is used as the feIcr. If this attribute is more than the
PCR of the connection, then PCR is used as the feIcr.
16777219 = sameAsLocal
DEFVAL { 16777219 }