atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrDgcraMaximumDelay OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16700000 | 16777216)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies an upper bound on the delay after which the
rate change induced by a backward Resource Management (RM)
cell departing from this connection point (in the backward
direction) is expected to be observed at this connection point (in the
forward direction).
This upper bound may be approximated as the sum of the round trip
fixed and propagation delays and the maximum queuing delays
between the ABR source and this interface.
The value of this attribute is used in policing an ABR connection
using the Dynamic General Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA). A
larger value for this attribute implies a more lenient policer. When
there is a reduction in the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR), the policer
waits for a correspondingly longer period of time before it enforces
at the new cell rate.
The value of this attribute must not be less than the
dgcraMinimumDelay attribute.
16777216 = sameAsCa
DEFVAL { 16777216 }