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atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrRateIncreaseFactor OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15 | 16777216)
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute specifies the Rate Increase Factor (RIF) for this
connection. The RIF value is computed by using the provisioned
value of this attribute, n, as 2 to the inverse power n. For example, if
the value of this attribute is 6, RIF is 2E-6 = 1/64.

RIF controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate may
increase upon receipt of a backward Resource Management (RM)
cell. For example, if a backward RM cell is received with the
Congestion Indication (CI) and the No Increase (NI) fields both set
to 0, the Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) value would be increased by the
amount (RIF*ACR). The ACR is not allowed to exceed the Peak
Cell Rate (PCR), in which case the ACR is set to PCR.

This attribute is ignored under all conditions where the operational
attribute abrConnectionType has the value erSwitch.
16777216 = sameAsCa
DEFVAL { 16777216 }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrProvEntry(1) First sibling OID: atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrInitialCellRate(10) Previous sibling OID: atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrRateDecreaseFactor(13) Next sibling OID: atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrMaxCellPerRmCell(15) Last sibling OID: atmIfVpcVpdTmAbrFarEndInitialCellRate(22) Separation line
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