atmIfVpcVpdLbkTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"This group contains the provisionable loopback attributes for a Vcc,
Vpc, or Vpt component.
Note that certain loopback requests may not be possible on a given
connection. In such cases, the corresponding operational loopback
attribute in the Status group of the Vcc, Vpc, or Vpt component is
set to notApplicable and the requested loopback is not performed.
If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, and for any reason the
segment or end-to-end OAM loopback cells are not relayed, the
connection component becomes troubled, and user cell traffic may
be discarded. If loopbacks are provisioned to be on, all of the nodes
in the segment, and external networks which are in the end-to-end
connection must relay the OAM loopback cells."