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atmIfVpcSegLinkSideLoopbackState OBJECT-TYPE
notApplicable(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute contains the current state of the link-side segment
loopback for this connection. Link-side segment loopback cells are
transmitted (inserted) by a connection component in the direction of
the link (port). The value of this attribute is dependent upon the
current setting of the segLinkSideLoopback provisionable attribute,
the connection point type as specified by the connectionPointType
attribute, and the current loopback state (if applicable).

The value is notApplicable when the connectionPointType is a

The value is notApplicable when the distributionType is

The value is good when the segLinkSideLoopback is on, the
connectionPointType is a segmentEndPoint or a
connectionEndPoint, and the segment link side loopback is

The value is bad when the segLinkSideLoopback is on, the
connectionPointType is a segmentEndPoint or a
connectionEndPoint, and the link side segment loopback is not

The value is unknown when the segLinkSideLoopback is off.

The value is unknown when the segLinkSideLoopback is on, the
connectionPointType is a segmentEndPoint and the segment switch
side loopback has not yet been determined.

The state of this attribute determines, in part, the value of the
operStatus attribute."


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: atmIfVpcStatusEntry(1) First sibling OID: atmIfVpcOperStatus(20) Previous sibling OID: atmIfVpcTroubled(28) Next sibling OID: atmIfVpcSegSwitchSideLoopbackState(40) Last sibling OID: atmIfVpcRdiState(70) Separation line
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