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traceSessionCallState OBJECT-TYPE
terminated(9) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the state of the trace call to the receiver.
The dataTransfer value is the normal state for the call.
The initializing, creatingVc, calling and enteringDataTransfer
values are all normal transient states used to establish a call to the
trace receiver on receipt of a Start command. These states occur
during the callingReceiver state of the sessionState attribute. In the
initializing state, receiver provisioning data, used to setup the call
the the receiver, is being retrieved. In the creatingVc state, the local
VC is being created. In the calling state, the direct call to the
receiver is being connected. In the enteringDataTransfer state, the
call to the receiver has been accepted and the data path is being
The clearing, terminatingVc and terminated values are all normal
transient states used to disconnect a call with the trace receiver on
receipt of a Stop command. These states occur during the
clearingCallToReceiver state of the sessionState attribute. In the
clearing state, the call to the receiver is being cleared. In the
terminatingVc state, the local VC is being destroyed. In the
terminated state, the call is down and all cleanup is complete.
A value of reseting indicates a data sequencing problem has
occurred on the call. This value is applicable for sessions to X.25
trace receivers only and indicates an incompatability with the
receiver. Tracing continues, however, some trace data may have
been lost.
A value of terminating is a normal transient state which occurs if a
Stop command is received before the local VC has been created."


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: traceSessionOperationalEntry(1) First sibling OID: traceSessionServiceTraced(2) Previous sibling OID: traceSessionSessionState(4) Next sibling OID: traceSessionQueueState(6) Last sibling OID: traceSessionFramesDiscarded(9) Separation line
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