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traceSessionSessionState OBJECT-TYPE
active(10) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This attribute indicates the state of the trace session.
The active value is the normal state for a running trace session.
The waitingForSession, waitingForProvisioningData,
callingReceiver and binding values are all normal transient states
used to establish a session with the trace receiver on receipt of a
Start command. In the waitingForSession state, a trace session is
being allocated. In the waitingForProvisioningData state, a trace
session has been allocated and receiver provisioning data, used to
setup the call the the receiver, is being retrieved. In the
callingReceiver state, the call to the receiver is being established. In
the binding state, the call to the receiver has been established and
the service data path is being adjusted to include trace.
The unbinding, clearingCallToReceiver and releasingSession
values are all normal transient states used to disconnect a session
with the trace receiver on receipt of a Stop command. In the
unbinding state, the service data path is being adjusted to remove
trace. In the clearingCallToReceiver state, the call to the receiver is
being cleared. In the releasingSession state, a trace session is being
A value of abortingDueToCallFailure indicates that the call to the
trace receiver has disconnected unexpectedly and trace is stopping.
The clear cause and diagnostic for the failure is reported. Correct
the fault indicated and retry the Start command.
Values of initializing and idle can never be seen since these states
occur before a Session component is created and after it is


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: traceSessionOperationalEntry(1) First sibling OID: traceSessionServiceTraced(2) Previous sibling OID: traceSessionReceiver(3) Next sibling OID: traceSessionCallState(5) Last sibling OID: traceSessionFramesDiscarded(9) Separation line
Chatbot helper Webmaster Bullet 20 Dec 2017 Bullet Page top