OID repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item5591 Action itemscteHmsTree(1) Action iteminsidePlantIdent(11) Action itemheHMTS(3) Action itemheHMTSMIB(2) Action itemheHMTSObjects(1) Action itemhmtsDeviceGroup(3)   Navigating the OID tree
child OID: Child OID separator hmtsComFaultEntry(1) Child OID separator
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OID description

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hmtsComFaultTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table identifies the MAC addresses of devices that have a
problem in registering or communicating with the HMTS. Only
devices with hmtsDevComStat value other than noError(1) will
have entries in this table.
It is the responsability of the HMTS to keep the contents of the
hmtsDevTable, hmtsComFaultTable, hmtsIPDevTable and hmtsCommDevTable
consistent according to the following rules:
- For each active row in hmtsDevTable whose hmtsDevComStat instance
is different of noError(1), there must be a row with the same
physical address in hmtsComFaultTable.
- For each row in hmtsComFaultTable, there must be a
corresponding row in hmtsDevTable with RowStatus active.
- Each active row in the hmtsDevTable that has a valid IP address
must also be present in the hmtsIPDevTable.
- For each row in hmtsIPDevTable there must be a corresponding
row in hmtsDevTable with rowstatus active.
- Each active row in the hmtsDevTable that has a valid community
string and whose RowStatus is active must also be present in
- For each row that exists in hmtsCommDevTable there must
exist a row with the same community string in hmtsDevTable with
RowStatus active.
- An IP address is valid if there does not exist another row in the
hmtsDevTable with the same IP address and RowStatus active, and if
it has been assigned by either an external DHCP server, the
internal DHCP server (if hmtsIPManagementMethod is set to client)
or if it fits in one of the ranges defined by hmtsNetAddrTable
(if hmtsIPManagementMethod is set to manualXP, manualHMTS or
- A community string is valid if there does not exist another row in
the hmtsDevTable with the same community string and RowStatus

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Tree display Parent OID: hmtsDeviceGroup(3) First child OID: hmtsComFaultEntry(1) First sibling OID: hmtsDev(1) Previous sibling OID: hmtsDevTable(6) Next sibling OID: hmtsMulticastAddrTable(8) Last sibling OID: hmtsMulticastAddrTable(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 20 Apr 2023 Bullet Page top