OID repository
OID Repository
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OID description

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hmtsContNRespCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This object is a global reference object for all
hmtsDevContNRespCount objects properties.
It maintains a common property entry for all
hmtsDevContNRespCount objects. Changing the objects properties
will change the properties of hmtsDevContNRespCount for each
entry in the hmtsDevTable.
This shall have a threshold property in the propertyTable as defined
in SCTE 38-1 (formerly HMS026). This object is never reported
in an alarm trap. The specific hmtsDevContNRespCount is."

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Parent OID: hmtsDeviceGroup(3) First sibling OID: hmtsDev(1) Previous sibling OID: hmtsComStatAlarm(4) Next sibling OID: hmtsDevTable(6) Last sibling OID: hmtsMulticastAddrTable(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 20 Apr 2023 Bullet Page top