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zhoneVoipSipDialPlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ZhoneVoipSipDialPlanEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table defines a dialing plan for POTS to SIP originations.
A dialing plan consists of a series of acceptable dial strings
and the corresponding IP addresses to which SIP control messages
(e.g., Invite) are sent to initiate the call. Each dial string
is represented as digits, wildcards, and regular-expression-like
patterns as the following rules show:

1. A leading '*' or '#' are allowed.
2. Digits 0-9 are allowed.
3. A wildcard 'x' represents any digit 0-9
4. A digit range can be specified using brackets [ ], as follows:
[135] means a single digit with acceptable values 1,3, or 5.
[1-4] means a single digit with acceptable values 1,2,3, or 4.

Examples of valid dial strings:
911 - literal digit string 911
#87 - literal digit string #87
*6x - *6 followed by any single digit
35xxx - 35 followed by any 3 digits
77xxx - 77 followed by any 3 digits
3[35]xxx - 33 or 35 followed by any 3 digits
31[1-3]xxxx - 311, 312, 313, followed by any 4 digits

(1) The length of the dial string is limited 1o 128 characters

(2) Though the dialplan supports the '#' and '*' keys, the device
may not support any features that use them (e.g., *69).

(3) In the case where a collected digit set matches more than one
dial string, the device will pick the dial string with the most
leading literal digits that match. For example, given two dial strings:

and a collected digit set of 35123, the first dial plan string is
selected because it contains two leading literal digits that match,
as opposed to the second, which has only one leading literal digit.

(4) Variable length dial strings, e.g. 353 followed by any
number of digits, are not supported.

(5) In the future, a dial string may be configurable such that it
only applies to a subset of the supported ports (e.g., ports with
international calling capabilities might be restricted). This is
currently not supported; a dial string applies to all subscriberers.
Support will be added for per-port control, most likely by adding
port masks to the dial plan entry."

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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 30 Apr 2021 Bullet Page top