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silenceSuppressionType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This data informs a voice DSP what type of silence
suppression algorithm to use on a channel. Silence
suppression is used to suppress packet generation during
periods of silence of a voice call.

The SID (silence descriptor) frame is generated at the
start of a silence period, or periodically, and it is
used to characterize the power level of the background
noise during silence period on the encode side of the
voice path. The SID frame is then passed to the decode
side through the packet encoding medium (AAL2 or RTP).
The decode side then generates comfort noise at an
equivalent power level dictated by the SID frame

Valid values for the variable are:

* silSupOff - silence suppression is off.
* silSupOnSidOn - send an SID frame at a specified
constant interval (e.g. 100ms).

Following values are not supported:

* silSupOnSidOff - discontinue transmission during
silence periods and no SID frame is sent.
* silSupOnSidConst - send an initial SID frame and then
discontinue transmission.

Silence suppression is not supported on MALC.

The default value is silSupOff."

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Parent OID: voiceDspDefaultConfiguration(1) First sibling OID: redundancyOverSubscriptionType(1) Previous sibling OID: echoCancellationType(6) Next sibling OID: echoReturnLoss(8) Last sibling OID: echoReturnLoss(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 18 Nov 2020 Bullet Page top