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v52UserPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER{blocked(1),
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The Q3 interface of the access network can request
that a port be blocked for non-urgent configuration or
reconfiguration. If the port is routed through a V5
interface to a local exchange, then this request can
only be granted by the local exchange via the V5
interface. This is intended to avoid interference with
calls in progress, or calls being set up or cleared down.

The Q3 interface on the access network can request
that a port be blocked for urgent configuration or
reconfiguration. If the port is routed through a V5
interface to a local exchange, the other side of the
interface shall be informed of this blocking via the V5

Valid values are:

* 'blocked' - the user port can be unblocked by both
accelerated port alignment (i.e. group unblocking)
and sequential port alignment.

* 'shuttingDown' - same as 'blocked' except active
calls will not be blocked until the calls are

* 'unblocked' - port will be unblocked regardless
of its previous port block state.

* 'blockedNotSuitableForGroupUnblocking' - the user
port cannot be unblocked by accelerated port
alignment unblocking but can be unblocked by
sequential unblocking.

Default value is blocked."
DEFVAL { blocked }


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: v52UserPortEntry(1) First sibling OID: v52UserPortAddress(1) Previous sibling OID: v52UserPortAdminStatus(3) Next sibling OID: v52UserPortBlockStatus(5) Last sibling OID: v52UserPortOperStatus(11) Separation line
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