v52UserPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ZhoneRowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Used to control row creation and deletion.
A row in this table is created using a single
SNMP SET request with varbinds for:
a) v52UserPortRowStatus set to'CreateAndGo',
b) the following READ-CREATE object(s):
* v52UserPortAddress
If 'createAndGo' successfully created a new row,
the RowStatus will be 'active'. Subsequent to
successful row creation, the RowStatus can be
retrieved via an SNMP GET and the returned
RowStatus value is active. If the 'createAndGo'
was unsuccessful an SNMP error will be returned
and a subsequent GET on the non-existent row
will also return an SNMP error of noSuchInstance.
An SNMP SET with the RowStatus value of 'destroy'
indicates that the agent should remove the row
from service and then delete it."