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v52UserPortAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32767)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"User Port Address. If UserPortType is PSTN, valid
range is 0..32767. If UserPortType is ISDN, valid
range is 0..8175. Maximum value is 32767.

The actual address range is further limited by the
following rules:

v52IgPstnLayer3StartAddress <= v52UserPortAddress <
v52IgPstnLayer3StartAddress + maximum_PSTN_users_allowed_per_IG

v52IgIsdnEnvFuncStartAddress <= v52UserPortAddress <
v52IgIsdnEnvFuncStartAddress + maximum_ISDN_users_allowed_per_IG

Further, the total number of user ports is restricted by
the following rule:

Total_Pstn_User_Ports + 2*Total_Isdn_Bri_User_Ports <=

ISDN PRI is not supported by the current release.

For the current 8 E1 release of Sechtor 100:
maximum_PSTN_users_allowed_per_IG is 1920.
maximum_ISDN_users_allowed_per_IG is 960.
maximum users supported on the entire Sechtor 100 is 4800.

The maximum number of PSTN and ISDN user ports supported
for the 16 E1 release will be updated in the near future."


MIB object for network management

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