OID Repository
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SYNTAX INTEGER{loadUpgradeSw(1),
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Some items are only valid if warm upgrade is supported.

loadUpgradeSoftware: the unit/card should request a
load of the upgrade software from the previously
downloaded on to the system. If an
upgrade version of software is not available or the
server(s) is unable to respond to the load request
the card will set the cardSwStaus to
upgradeloadFailed (warm upgrade only - this is
ignored if warm upgrade is not supported).

upgradeNow: the unit/card should upgrade to the
already loaded upgrade software if warm upgrade is
supported or reboot and load the upgrade software
if warm upgrade is not supported. If the upgrade
software has not been loaded or there is no grade
software load available, the unit/card will set
the cardSwStatus to upgradeFailed. When this value is
set, the zhoneSysCardSwUpgradeEnable field is set to
true in the genSystem mib associated with this card.

upgradeOnReset: the unit/card will upgrade to the
already loaded software the next time it is
initialized. If the upgrade software is not loaded
the card will set the cardSwStatus to upgradeFailed
following reset.

reloadCurrVers: the will re-initialize and load the
previous version of code prior to the upgrade (which is
either the 'specific' version or default version
of software depending upon what has been provisioned)
See the genSystem mib for details.

When this value is set, the zhoneSysCardSwUpgradeEnable
field is set to false."
DEFVAL { reloadCurrRev }


MIB object for network management

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Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not warrant or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information available on this page (for more information, please read the complete disclaimer).
All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: cardSoftwareEntry(1) First sibling OID: cardSwRunningVers(1) Previous sibling OID: cardSwUpgradeVers(2) Next sibling OID: cardSwStatus(4) Last sibling OID: cardSwStatus(4) Separation line
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