sipEnforceOfferAnswerModel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MxEnableState
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Determines whether the unit requires strict adherence to RFC 3264
from the peer when negotiating capabilities for the establishment
of a media session.
When enabled, the following guidelines from the Offer-Answer Model
must be strictly followed. An answer must:
- Include at least one codec from the list that the unit sent in the offer;
- Avoid adding extra codecs that were not present in the offer;
- Contain the same number of media lines that the unit put in its offer.
Otherwise, the answer is rejected and the unit ends the call.
When disabled, then the peer can freely:
- Send back a brand new list of codecs or add new ones to the offered list;
- Add media lines AFTER the ones found in the offer.
As long as at least one codec sent back is supported by the unit, the call
is allowed to go on. Any media lines added by the peer
is simply ignored.
The sipAllowMediaReactivationInAnswerEnable and
sipAllowAudioAndImageNegotiationEnable variables allow to enable or disable
other deviations from the Offer/Answer model."
DEFVAL {enable}
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