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LAST-UPDATED "201704280000Z" -- 28 April 2017
ORGANIZATION "Avaya Networks, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "John Seligson
Avaya Networks, Inc.
4655 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
Phone: +1 408 496 3424
Email: jseligso@avaya.com"
"An Avaya Network's management module containing
data definitions related to QoS components and
services supported by network devices."
REVISION "201704280000Z" -- 28 April 2017
"Version 36: Added ntnQosDsL2AccessElemStage."
REVISION "201502200000Z" -- 20 February 2015
"Version 35: Added new values for ntnQosPolicyClassifierType."
REVISION "201404030000Z"
"Version 34: Added description for martian packets in ntnDsMultiFieldClfrAddrType"
REVISION "201402140000Z" -- 14 February 2014
"Version 33: Added spb-scaled(6) value for ntnQosConfigDefaultBufferingCaps object."
REVISION "201206140000Z" -- 14 June 2012
"Version 32: Added untrustedv4v6 and untrustedBasic
values for ntnQosInterfaceRoleIfClass object."
REVISION "201205160000Z" -- 16 May 2012
"Version 31: updated compliance data. Compliance data was not
provided for a number of objects that were previously defined.
This causes issues for certain levels of MIB compilation.
Updated QoS buffer allocation options."
REVISION "201203160000Z" -- 16 March 2012
"Version 30: Added FCoE application objects, including
the avFcoeRedirTable and scalars ntnQosConfigFcoeRedirOperMode,
ntnQosConfigFcoeControllerMacAddr, ntnQosConfigFcoeRedirAvail,
ntnQosConfigFcoeControllerIfIndex, ntnQosConfigFcoeControllerVlan
and avFcoeRedirNextFree. FCoE-related notification defined."
REVISION "201201130000Z" -- 13 January 2012
"Version 29: Augmented enumerations for the following
attributes: ntnQosDsL2AccessElemActionRemarkCos,
ntnQosDsL2AccessElemYelActionRemarkCos and
REVISION "201107260000Z" -- 26 July 2011
"Version 28: Added ntnQosPolicyMeteringMode."
REVISION "201107150000Z" -- 15 July 2011
"Version 27: Added ntnQosPolicyPrecResDiagsRangeChkElemsAvail."
REVISION "201104150000Z" -- 15 April 2011
"Version 26: Added ntnQosConfigClearStats."
REVISION "201003080000Z" -- 08 March 2010
"Version 25: Added ntnQosFilterLimiting."
REVISION "201001050000Z" -- 05 January 2010
"Version 24: Introduced enhanced Traffic-Profile filter set
metering support."
REVISION "200911050000Z" -- 05 November 2009
"Version 23: Added ntnQosConfigResetToPartialDefaults
to support a partial QoS reset-to-defaults operation.
Added ntnQosDsL2AccessElemMasterBlockMember to support
an explicit filter set block member hierarchy. Added
ntnSystemClfrPatternL2Format to support pattern
matching with different L2 frame formats. Added
ntnQosFilterSetStatsTable to facilitate statistics
retrieval for filter sets."
REVISION "200908110000Z" -- 11 August 2009
"Version 22:
Added lossless(4) to ntnQosConfigDefaultBufferingCaps."
REVISION "200903260000Z" -- 26 March 2009
"Version 21: Added Trusted Processing Mode object."
REVISION "200901050000Z" -- 05 January 2009
"Version 20: Added QoS system disable support. Added
objects supporting improved multicast filtering
granularity. Augmented available filter set types.
New interface shaping objects defined. DSCP mutation
object added to DSCP Mapping table."
REVISION "200811050000Z" -- 05 November 2008
"Version 19: Added support for 'quick policies'."
REVISION "200807090000Z" -- 09 July 2008
"Version 18: Updated descr of ntnQosConfigNtApplicationMode."
REVISION "200807020000Z" -- 02 July 2008
"Version 17: Added markAsPriorityCopy(13) enumeration
to ntnQosBaseActionUpdateUserPriority."
REVISION "200806260000Z" -- 26 June 2008
"Version 16: Added support for Discard Eligible
Indicator in the ntnQosDEITable - DEI allows using
CFI bit in the vlan tag as the packet color
when a packet ingress a port; at egress
the packet color is written to CFI bit.
Ingress and egress CFI to packet color mappings
can be enabled on each interface.
Added QinQ traffic classification criteria support
in ntnL2MultiFieldClfrTable table.
QinQ encapsulation is specified in IEEE 802.1ad.
A packet can ingress a port with two vlan
tags. New classification criteria support were
added to allow classification on both Inner/Outer
Tags. For both Tags the user can classify based on the
Tag Protocol Identifier, Vlan Id, Priority and CFI."
REVISION "200805290000Z" -- 29 May 2008
"Version 15: Added support for native
DoS attack detection package (DAPP).
Updated interface capabilities,
QoS Agent configuration and Notification
Added filtering options to the DS/L2
meta-table ntnQosDsL2AccessElem.
Added ntnQosPolicyPrecResDiagsApplicationIdUsed &
Added ntnQosConfigNtApplicationMode object
(NT-on-NT support) and ntnQosAccessAsgnSetPriority
object (filter set prioritization support).
Defined ntnQosInterfaceRoleStatsTrackingType
to expose the statistics tracking mode that is
associated with a role."
REVISION "200609280000Z" -- 28 September 2006
"Version 13: Introduced stratification of
capabilities across a number of tables
including all classifier, metering and
policy tables. Defined new attributes in
these tables as well to support new
functionality. Clarified capabilities
support in the Interface Role Table and
defined per-interface capabilities attribute
in the Interface Assignment Table.
Added COS queue shaping support.
Added srTCM/trTCM metering support to
the Access Assignment Table.
Added policy resource usage reporting
attributes for an architecture in which
resources are centrally allocated."
REVISION "200604210000Z" -- 21 April 2006
"Version 12: Added notification support for
user access rejection related to local User
Based Policies (UBP) support in high-security
Added session Id data to several tables in
support of User Based Policies (UBP). Added
agent attribute to allow the administrator to
specify the type UBP support that is enabled.
Updated filter set support to accept UBP
components. Updated support element types in
Access Element and Access Assignment tables.
Added DS/L2 Access Element Table.
Added evaluation order attribute and new type
support to the DS/L2 Access Element tables in
support of NSNA. Added non-match drop action
support in the Access Assignment Table.
Added additional applications bits to the
ntnQosIfAppsAppEnable attribute. Fixed
ntnQosPolicyInterfaceIndex syntax clause"
REVISION "200502030000Z" -- 3 February 2005
"Version 11: Added ntnQosIfAppsTable to support
interface-based QoS security applications"
REVISION "200410250000Z" -- 25 October 2004
"Version 10: Added ntnSystemClfrPatternFormat
and updated for DS/L2 Access Element and
Access Assignment definitions"
REVISION "200409200000Z" -- 20 September 2004
"Version 9: Added ntnQosMappingRestoreDefault,
ntnQosMappingDscpToCosEnabled, and
REVISION "200407200000Z" -- 20 July 2004
"Version 8: Added version info"

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Tree display Parent OID: policy(4) First child OID: ntnQosPolicyEvolPibClasses(1) First sibling OID: policyFrameworkPib(1) Previous sibling OID: ntnQosPolicyAuxMib(5) Next sibling OID: slaMonitorMib(8) Last sibling OID: slaMonitorMib(8)
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