ntnQosConfigDynamicMgmt OBJECT-TYPE
enabled(1), -- COPS config enabled
disabled(2) -- COPS config disabled
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Specifies whether dynamic management (e.g., COPS-PR)
is currently enabled. Devices may limit support for
dynamic management by providing read-only access
to this object. If enabled, dynamic management always
takes precedence over static management such that
static management may only be used for monitoring of
objects that have a POLICY-ACCESS clause of 'install'
or 'install-notify' in the respective PIB module.
Disabling dynamic management causes Delete Request
State (DRQ) and Client Close (CC) messages to be
generated if a connection between the PEP and a PDP
is currently established. Installed policies are
not automatically deleted. Enabling dynamic management
will initiate the COPS-PR connect sequence and,
potentailly, the loading of policy information."