cabhCdpWanDnsServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CabhCdpWanDnsServerEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"List of cable network and Internet DNS servers."
INDEX { cabhCdpWanDnsServerOrder }
Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.192.
Rec. ITU-T J.192 represents an enhancement to Rec. ITU-T J.191, retaining a majority of J.191 functionality as a foundation and building upon this base to provide additional advanced features. A key design goal for equipment conforming to this Recommendation is interoperability with equipment conforming to Rec. ITU-T J.191. For example, common Management Information Bases (MIBs) are used for the foundational functionality. As a result, a J.192 based head-end may manage a mixed J.191 and J.192 deployment.