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docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The Mediation Device Configuration table is used to configure
the Mediation device with which the intercepting device communicates.
Rows in this table are created and maintained by the Mediation Device.
The attribute IapSourceAddress is auto-populated by the Mac Manager /
management entity once the MAC-NE associated with the Target Address
(TargetMacAddress) in the TapStreamCfg object has been identified.
The attribute ContentId is used as a Key and ties back directly
to the warrant that created the reason for the T-tap.
The MAC Manager must support the creation and deletion of rows in
this table."

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Tree display Parent OID: docsFmaLiConfigObjects(2) First child OID: docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry(1) Next sibling OID: docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTable(2) Last sibling OID: docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTable(4)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 11 Jan 2023 Bullet Page top