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docsFmaLiMedDevCapab OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS {ipv4SrcInterface(0), ipv6SrcInterface(1), udp(2), rtpNak(3), tcp(4), sctp(5), rtp(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute reports the MAC Manager's capabilities with
respect to certain fields in MediationDeviceCfg that can be
configured for a TAP. It is possible that a specific MAC-NE
will not support a specific value. When the MAC Manager determines
that the Mediation Device has configured a value for a
MediationDeviceCfg object that is unsupported by the MAC-NE,
the MAC Manager MUST send the Mediation Device Config Error
event with the EventId 70080302.
The supported bit positions are defined below:
ipv4SrcInterface(0)- Asserting this bit means that docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress
can be an IPv4 address configured on the intercepting device which will transmit
intercepted data to an IPv4 address Mediation Device.
ipv6SrcInterface(1)- Asserting this bit means that docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress
can be an IPv6 address configured on the intercepting device which will transmit
intercepted data to an IPv6 address Mediation Device.
udp(2)- UDP can be configured as the transport protocol (denoted by docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTransport)
for transferring intercepted data to the Mediation Device. This is the only supported value in FMA.
rtpNak(3)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that RTP with Nack transport
is unsupported in FMA.
tcp(4)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that TCP transport is unsupported in FMA.
sctp(5)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that SCTP transport is unsupported in FMA.
rtp(6)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that RTP transport is unsupported in FMA."
"Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI

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Parent OID: docsFmaLiStatusObjects(1) First sibling OID: docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsTable(1) Previous sibling OID: docsFmaLiTapDebugTable(2) Next sibling OID: docsFmaLiStreamCapab(4) Last sibling OID: docsFmaLiStreamCapab(4)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 11 Jan 2023 Bullet Page top