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esafePsCableHomeModeControl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {disabledMode(1), provSystem(2), dormantCHMode(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object provides control over the mode of
operation of the CableHome ePS eSAFE element
of the eDOCSIS compliant device.
When this object is set to disabledMode(1), the
ePS eSAFE element is instructed to switch to
CableHome Disabled Mode operation.
When this object is set to provSystem(2), the ePS
eSAFE element restarts its provisioning process.
When this object is set to dormantCHMode(3), the ePS
eSAFE element is instructed to switch to CableHome
Dormant Mode operation. In this mode the ePS restarts
its provisioning process omitting CableHome-specific
DHCP Options 60 and 43 in the DHCP DISCOVER and
DHCP REQUEST messages, acquires an IP address lease from
the cable operator's DHCP server, and operates in unmanaged
Dormant CableHome Mode regardless of the values of the file
and siaddr fields or of the values of DHCP options that
might otherwise configure the ePS to operate in DHCP
Provisioning Mode or in SNMP Provisioning Mode.
The value of this object MUST persist across cable modem
"CableHome specifications, CableHome Operational
Modes section."
DEFVAL {dormantCHMode}


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.126.

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Parent OID: esafePsMibObjects(2) Next sibling OID: esafePsCableHomeModeStatus(2) Last sibling OID: esafePsCableHomeModeStatus(2)
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