mfiletransferControlInitiateFileTransfer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {doNotInitiateFileTransfer(1), initiateFileTransferDownloadViaTFTP(2), initiateFileTransferDownloadViaFTP(3)}
ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
"This OID has been deprecated.
Setting this OID to doNotInitiateFileTransfer (1) will do nothing.
Setting this OID to initiateFileTransferDownloadViaTFTP (2) will attempt to transfer the file named in
mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename from the TFTP Server identified in mfiletransferConfigTFTPAddress.
Setting this OID to initiateFileTransferDownloadViaFTP (3) will attempt to transfer the file named in
mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename from the FTP Server identified in mfiletransferConfigFTPAddress
using mfiletransferConfigFTPUser and mfiletransferConfigFTPPassword for the FTP Server login process."
➵ Deprecated OID
➵ MIB object for network management
See classes of OIDs