OID Repository
OID Repository
Display OID:

Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item318 Action itemapcmgmt(2) Action itemmconfig(1)


Navigating the OID tree
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OID description

Action itemFormat of this page
Action itemModify this OID
Action itemCreate child OID
Action itemCreate sibling OID
OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


SYNTAX INTEGER {unknown(1), validNewAgentCodeImage(2), sameAgentCodeImage(3), invalidAgentCodeImage(4)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"Once mcontrolRestartAgent is set to loadAndExecuteNewAgent (3), PowerNet adapter will
start to load the remote image file, for authentication only, instead of saving the code
into flash memory. Only if a validNewAgentCodeImage (1) is found will the agent reboot
the PowerNet adapter and invoke the loader to load and save new code into the flash memory.
Otherwise, the current agent code will continue to run.
This OID shows the result of the above authentication process.
validNewAgentCodeImage (1) means the code image on TFTP server
is a valid APC agent code and is different version from the current agent.
Once agent identifies this, loader will start to update flash memory with
the new agent code.
sameAgentCodeImage (2) means the code image on TFTP server is exactly the
same as the currently running agent. Currently running agent will not invoke
loader to load the same again.
invalidAgentCodeImage (3) means the code image on TFTP server is NOT a valid
APC agent code. Thus, current agent will not load it into the flash memory.
The value of this OID will be associated with TRAP codeImageAuthentDone.
This OID is only supported by APC Network Management Cards."


MIB object for network management

See classes of OIDs
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Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not warrant or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information available on this page (for more information, please read the complete disclaimer).
All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: mconfig(1) First sibling OID: mconfigNumTrapReceivers(1) Previous sibling OID: mconfigTFTPServerIP(4) Next sibling OID: mconfigClock(6) Last sibling OID: mconfigClock(6) Separation line
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