portComboForcedMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(1), copperForced(2), copperPreferredAuto(3), sfpForced(4), sfpPreferredAuto(5)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This determines the running mode of a combo port.
For a non-combo port, this variable has a value of none(1),
and setting this variable to none(1) has no effect.
For a combo port, this has its own valid values not
equal to none(1), and setting this variable to none(1) is
not allowed. copperForced(2) is set if user want to force
this combo port running in copper mode. copperPreferredAuto(3)
is obsoleted, and user shall not set this state. sfpForced(4)
is set if user want to force this combo port running in fiber
mode. sfpPreferredAuto(5) is set if user want to change copper or
fiber mode automatically by SFP transceiver present state. If SFP
transceiver is present, this combo port will run in fiber mode, and
if SFP transceiver is not present, this combo port will run in
copper mode."