cableDiagResultStatusPairB OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {notTestedYet(1), ok(2), open(3), short(4), unknown(7), impedanceMismatch(8), failed(9), notSupported(10), noCable(11), underTesting(12)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The result of cable diagnostics. Value notTestedYet(1)
means the pair is not tested yet. Value ok(2) means the
pair works well. Value open(3) means there is a lack of
continuity between pins at each end of the pair. Value
short(4) means conductors are short-circuited together
on the pair. Value impedanceMismatch(8) means different
quality cables connected together. Value failed(9) means
test failed. Value notSupported(10) means cable diagnostics
is not supported. Value noCable(11) means there is no
connected cable. Value underTesting(12) means cable diag is
still running. Value unknown(7) means pair has an error
matching none of the above."