xstInstancePortPortRole OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {disabled(1), root(2), designated(3), alternate(4), backup(5), master(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The role of the port in the RST or MST protocol:
(1) The port has no role within the spanning tree
(2) The port is part of the active topology connecting
the bridge to the root bridge (i.e., root port)
(3) The port is connecting a LAN through the bridge to the
root bridge (i.e., designated port)
(4) The port may provide connectivity if other
bridges, bridge ports, or LANs fail or are removed.
(5) The port provides backup if other
bridges, bridge ports, or LANs fail or are removed.
(6) For MST protocol only, indicates whether this instance
is in a master role."