ospfMultiProcessAreaAggregateTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OspfMultiProcessAreaAggregateEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The Area Aggregate Table acts as an adjunct to the Area Table. It
describes those address aggregates that are configured to be
propagated from an area.
Its purpose is to reduce the amount of information that is known
beyond an Area's borders.
It contains a set of IP address ranges specified by an IP address/IP
network mask pair. For example, a class B address range of X.X.X.X
with a network mask of includes all IP addresses from
X.X.0.0 to X.X.255.255.
Note that if ranges are configured such that one range subsumes
another range (e.g., mask and mask, the most specific match is the preferred one.
This is a private substitution for ospfAreaAggregateTable of RFC1253."
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