hh3cRaidType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {virtualDevice(1), directDevice(2), serviceEnabledDevice(3), unassigned(4)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object identifies the physical type of an array.
The value 'virtualDevice' means if a array is prepared for virtual device,
it can be used to create LV, for exampe, it is can be split into a lot of LV,
or be a part of LV.
The value 'directDevice' means if a array is prepared for direct device,
it can be used to create a LV which type is direct.
Unlike virtual devices, they cannot be combined or split into multiple logical devices.
The value 'serviceEnabledDevice' means if a array is prepared for service-enabled device,
it can be used to create a LV which type is service-enabled.
Unlike virtual devices, they cannot be combined or split into multiple logical devices.
The value 'unassigned' means it is the original status of a array,
if a array is unassigned, it can't be used to create LV."