neSwUpgradeRequest OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(1), -- none
download(2), -- download new software
install(3), -- install new software
activate(4), -- enable installed software for next reboot
revertToPrevious(5), -- activate previously installed software
reboot(6), -- run activated software
downloadInstallActivateReboot(7), -- shortcut (NE is FTP client)
installActivateReboot(8), -- shortcut (NE is FTP server)
revertToPreviousReboot(9), -- shortcut (revert to previous)
activateAlp(10), -- activate alarm profile severities
activateDefaultAlp(11), -- activate default alarm profile severities
upload(12), -- upload file from NE to remote location
autoDownloadInstall(13), -- auto download and install from remote location
autoInstall(14), -- auto install from RDISK
fwpInstall(15), -- save module FWP to the NCU Active Area
fwpDownloadInstall(16), -- download and save module FWP to the NCU Active Area
downloadCf(17), -- download file from remote location to CF Disk
uploadCf(18), -- upload file from CF Disk to remote location
installCf(19), -- install new software from CF Disk
autoInstallCf(20), -- auto install from CF Disk
uploadPa(21), -- upload file to PA Disk
activateWithFwp(22), -- activate with firmware
forceReboot(23), -- force run activated software
stbyFwpInstall(24) -- save module FWP to the NCU Standby Area}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The request to the software upgrade function.
Request 2..6 are single step requests while requests 7..9
are batch commands for common upgrade scenarios. Requests 13,14
are defined for automatic install process for F7 platform.
If the NE is the FTP server, the file must then have been
downloaded to the neSwUpgradeNeDirectory on the NE using the
'netadmin' account."