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PRODUCT-RELEASE "AT Rapier switch, release 2.9.1"
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Capabilities of AT Rapier switch, release 2.9.1 and later releases."
INCLUDES { ifGeneralGroup }
-- VARIATION ifAdminStatus
-- ACCESS read-only
-- DESCRIPTION "Can't set ifAdminStatus via SNMP."
INCLUDES { at, ip }
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION atPhysAddress
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION atNetAddress
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteMetric1
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteMetric2
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteMetric3
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteMetric4
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteNextHop
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipRouteMetric5
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipNetToMediaType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
INCLUDES { ipForwardMultiPathGroup, ipForwardCidrRouteGroup }
VARIATION ipForwardMask
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardIfIndex
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardInfo
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardNextHopAS
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardMetric1
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardMetric2
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardMetric3
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardMetric4
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipForwardMetric5
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
INCLUDES { dot1qBase, dot1qVlan }
VARIATION dot1qGvrpStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this variable."
VARIATION dot1qVlanStaticName
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
INCLUDES { hrSystem, hrStorage }
VARIATION hrSystemDate
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this variable."
VARIATION hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this variable."
VARIATION hrStorageSize
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this variable."
INCLUDES { dot3IfMauBasicGroup, dot3IfMauAutoNegGroup }
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ifMauDefaultType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
VARIATION ifMauAutoNegRestart
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."
INCLUDES { ifMIBObjects }
VARIATION ifPromiscuousMode
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Don't allow writes of this table."


MIB object for network management

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