agApplyConfig OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {apply(1), idle(2), inprogress(3), complete(4), failed(5)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"When this object is read the current state is returned.
idle(2) indicates that there is no apply in progess.
complete(4) indicates that the last apply operation is completed.
Setting the value to apply(1), will write all the changes made
since the last apply to the current configuration block.
If the apply is successful this variable will return the state
'complete' else it will return 'failed'. In case of failure,
to read the reason for failure use the agApplyTable.
Once the operation is completed or the agApplyTable is read in case
of failure, the apply buffer needs to be freed and the agApplyConfig
should be set back to 'idle' state so others can issue the apply
command via SNMP."