hwOntPstnCalledEmulateTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {startSuccessfully(1), stopSuccessfully(2), sendDTMFSuccessfully(3), testOuttime(4), noDialtone(5), callerDialNumberAlready(6), noRinging(7), noRingbackTone(8), waitingAgentMessageOuttime(9), testingFailure(10), agentMessageAck(11), calledoffhook(12), testingAbnormal(13), broadbandtesting(14), capturefail(15), notratb(16), configsuccessfully(17), ring(18), calleroffhook(19), playdialtone(20), dialnumbercomplete(21), onHook(22), testEnd(23), connected(24), other(255)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Test Status.
1. startSuccessfully(1) -indicates start test successfully
2. stopSuccessfully(2) -indicates stop test successfully
3. sendDTMFSuccessfully(3) -indicates send DTMF successfully
4. testOuttime(4) -indicates test is time out
5. noDialtone(5) -indicates no dial tone
6. callerDialNumberAlready(6) -indicates that caller already dials a number
7. noRinging(7) -indicates on ringing
8. noRingbackTone(8) -indicates no ring back tone
9. waitingAgentMessageOuttime(9) -indicates that timed-out (waiting for EMS processing)
10. testingFailure(10) -indicates that test failure
11. agentMessageAck(11) -indicates that host responds to the EMS
12. calledoffhook(12) -indicates that off hook (called party)
13. testingAbnormal(13) -indicates test is abnormal
14. broadbandtesting(14) -indicates capture fail
15. capturefail(15) -indicates that line capture failure
16. notratb(16) -indicates that relay transfer board does not exist
17. configsuccessfully(17) -indicates configure successfully
18. ring(18) -indicates ringing
19. calleroffhook(19) -indicates that off hook (calling party)
20. playdialtone(20) -indicates that play the dial tone
21. dialnumbercomplete(21) -indicates that dialup is finished
22. onHook(22) -indicates on hook
23. testEnd(23) -indicates that test is end
24. connected(24) -indicates that off hook (called party)
25. other(255) -other"