hwOntPstnCallerEmulateTestResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {callerNoDialogTone(1), callerOffHookingBusy(2), callerDialogingBusy(3), callerNoDialog(4), callerDialogedBusy(5), callerDialogedNoTalk(6), callRelease(7), matchNoCompleted(8), sendNoCompleted(9), testSucceed(10), callerMatchFailed(11), notReceiveSSOffhookSignal(12), dialNumberNotCompared(13), backToneNotReceived(14), chanelCreateFailed(15), ssNoResponseHookSignal(16), other(255)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Test Result.
1. callerNoDialogTone(1) -indicates that the caller has no dialog tone
2. callerOffHookingBusy(2) -indicates that the caller is offhooking busy
3. callerDialogingBusy(3) -indicates that the caller is dialog busy
4. callerNoDialog(4) -indicates that the caller has no dialog
5. callerDialogedBusy(5) -indicates that the caller is dialoged busy
6. callerDialogedNoTalk(6) -indicates that the caller is dialoged not talk
7. callRelease(7) -indicates the call is released
8. matchNoCompleted(8) -indicates the match is not completed
9. sendNoCompleted(9) -indicates the send is not completed
10. testSucceed(10) -indicates the test succeed
11. callerMatchFailed(11) -indicates the caller match failed
12. notReceiveSSOffhookSignal(12) -indicates not receive off hook signal
13. dialNumberNotCompared(13) -indicates the dial number is not compared
14. backToneNotReceived(14) -indicates the back tone has not received
15. chanelCreateFailed(15) -indicates the channel create failed
16. ssNoResponseHookSignal(16) -indicates SS do not response a hook signal
17. other(255) -other"