hwCliUserProfileParaTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwCliUserProfileParaEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"User profile management table, which is used to query, modify, add and delete the user profile.
The user profile is a set of public user attributes, including the user name and password
validity period, permitted earliest time of login, and permitted latest time of login.
The MIB supports the functions of querying and setting the values of the preceding parameters.
A user needs to be created based on a user profile. In this case, the new user inherits the
preceding parameter values in the user profile. The index of this table is hwCliUserProfileName.
The index value is the user profile name, it uniquely identifies the user profile.
By default, four system profiles exist in the system.
The names of the four system profiles are as follows:
root, admin, operator and commonuser."